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Nebula Vigilante Vigilante Series Volume 2 T Jackson King Books

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Download PDF  Nebula Vigilante Vigilante Series Volume 2 T Jackson King Books

Matt Dragoneaux hates the cloneslavery and indentured bondServant status that most people, human and alien, live under in the Anarchate galactic culture, a society with no law, no justice and little freedom for the galaxy’s many species. Pursued by Anarchate battleglobes for the crime of saving his love Eliana’s home planet, Matt declares war on the Anarchate. Saving a few worlds from oppression is not enough. Ending a two million year old alien tyranny is his new aim. With the help of BattleMind and Mata Hari, two AIs created by the ancient T’Chak aliens, Matt fights one battle after another, dodging antimatter beams as he makes Hit-and-Run forays. Finally he seeks help from the T’Chak of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Getting there will take all the talents of Matt, Eliana, Mata Hari, BattleMind and new partners in the effort to bring hope, justice and freedom to the galaxy. But the Anarchate aims to turn Matt’s ship into a black hole—if they can catch him!

Nebula Vigilante Vigilante Series Volume 2 T Jackson King Books

This is probably one of the most high-tech sci-fi series that I have read in a while. Now that doesn’t mean that it this is a book suitable for the die-hard techno fans out there. The tech is not really very in-detail or well explained or anything like that. It is more on the level of loads and loads of high-tech toys like cyborg tech, spaceships that reshape themselves, sentient AI’s, battle suits packed with weapons, a wide range of überweapons including biochemical ones etc…

The book is fun reading. It is fairly quickly paced and there is plenty of battles going on. The battles themselves are somewhat different from the usual sci-fi fare in that Matt, being a cyborg, can accelerate his perception of reality to the level of an AI, well almost at least, and all action takes place with time counted in nanoseconds. Somewhat original and adds a nice touch to these books.

Matt’s constant struggle to keep the AI BattleMind of “his” ship from taking rash and impulsive actions, and keep its goals in line with Matt’s own goals, and the interactions this entails are also quite entertaining. We are talking about an AI with a huge ego, short temper and severe lack of patience here.

Towards the end things feel like they are going a bit too fast though. The story really gets a wee bit too quick and simple. New species are discovered and befriended at a rather unrealistic pace and the story in general feels rushed. It could have done with a bit more polish at this point. Having said that it does open some interesting possibilities if the author decides to follow-up on them.

On the whole an entertaining book that makes me want to read the next one as well.

Product details

  • Series Vigilante Series
  • Paperback 284 pages
  • Publisher Wilder Publications Incorporated (September 25, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1617206598

Read  Nebula Vigilante Vigilante Series Volume 2 T Jackson King Books

Tags : Nebula Vigilante (Vigilante Series) (Volume 2) (9781617206597): T. Jackson King: Books,T. Jackson King,Nebula Vigilante (Vigilante Series) (Volume 2),Wilder Publications Incorporated,1617206598,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera
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Nebula Vigilante Vigilante Series Volume 2 T Jackson King Books Reviews

Fun series, minimal editing errors, decent character development, cool new tech and alien species. My only complaint are apparently cut/paste sections of text when something occurs that has happened before, verbatim repeats of technical descriptions of a weapon's effects for example. That is a very minor complaint, otherwise the book is a lot of fun. Almost finished with the third, will move on to the fourth shortly.
I enjoyed the story telling and creativity of the writer and am glad I was able to find this book 2 because it and book one are so small together they make up one book. So if you have a few hours to kill jump on board for a short exciting Space Oprah.
The lead character (Matt) is a good vigilante. he seeks to end all forms of slavery in the galaxy & builds a retinue of both organic & AIs to build a core of "moral" freedom fighters. The only criticism I have is that his armament description is repeated each & every time he goes into battle without much variation at all. The same can be said for his various forms of mind communications, his partner AI's appearance, etc....
King gets better and better. The first book in the series was a great read. It was a little thin of character as the main character was a lone ranger (with the help of an AI). The second book fleshes out the ensemble and makes a the story line even stronger. The writing is crisp and I am amazed at the amount of background knowledge king brings to his work. This series gets better and better.
A logical evolution, with the addition of companions and his lifemate, he continues to fight the Anarchate while trying to influence the ultimate action of his starship. Excellent as far as action is concerned, but certain points of the plots would have benefited from a deeper exposition, such as his fight against the biological weapon he's been infected with for ex. One characterization that failed to convince me were the A.I.s - they seem to miss a lot and are a bit too easy to manipulate, to say nothing of the advent of the "emotional" A.I out of nowhere...oh well, this is fiction after all. Given the incredible scales, the vastness of the opposition - they basicaly control a whole galaxy - the fact that the technological advantage he seems to enjoy with his single ship while significant is not insurmontable, I am not convinced quality can reasonably expect to beat quantity in this particular fight. but it's easy not to think too deeply about it and just enjoy the frenectic action. good read
I really like the story line! The novels are well written and convey a great deal of emotion as well as a generous helping of excitement and fighting. I like the cross being co-operation the main male hero has with his school of training (you'll have to read the last two books). There is a broad scope of advanced technology portrayed that some people may find troubling but are to be expected in the business he is in. Alien interactions galore, the story is well crafted even to blessing the main characters with a instant family. And talk about blended, Woof!!! I am very interested in where the writer takes us next!!
This is a really great sequel that surpasses the first book. It took a while in Book 1 to establish the normal operating conditions for a time, place, and context that we know nothing about before we "arrive" by reading the second book. Now with this book, the author and Dragoneaux are free to go full speed ahead with the objective to destroy an unjust galactic order maintained by the greedy Anarchate. I love reading about the well-researched science that is used in that time. Laser types that I know exist get pumped up to their maximum potential, Alcubierre warp drive gets pushed to logical limits, artificial intelligence is advanced enough to develop a personality, and fusion-driven weaponry like Bethe Inducer and anti-matter streams go wild. Take the time to look up unfamiliar names or concepts from the text and you'll find that the author has done his homework to ensure the basic physics is true. These tools of common usage in the story could well be part of some real distant world or our future. The book is fun for my nerdy side and is so well-written from an organic (human) perspective that I am completely captivated without the shock, gore, and horror of other sci-fi authors. I'll be reading everything King has written.
This is probably one of the most high-tech sci-fi series that I have read in a while. Now that doesn’t mean that it this is a book suitable for the die-hard techno fans out there. The tech is not really very in-detail or well explained or anything like that. It is more on the level of loads and loads of high-tech toys like cyborg tech, spaceships that reshape themselves, sentient AI’s, battle suits packed with weapons, a wide range of überweapons including biochemical ones etc…

The book is fun reading. It is fairly quickly paced and there is plenty of battles going on. The battles themselves are somewhat different from the usual sci-fi fare in that Matt, being a cyborg, can accelerate his perception of reality to the level of an AI, well almost at least, and all action takes place with time counted in nanoseconds. Somewhat original and adds a nice touch to these books.

Matt’s constant struggle to keep the AI BattleMind of “his” ship from taking rash and impulsive actions, and keep its goals in line with Matt’s own goals, and the interactions this entails are also quite entertaining. We are talking about an AI with a huge ego, short temper and severe lack of patience here.

Towards the end things feel like they are going a bit too fast though. The story really gets a wee bit too quick and simple. New species are discovered and befriended at a rather unrealistic pace and the story in general feels rushed. It could have done with a bit more polish at this point. Having said that it does open some interesting possibilities if the author decides to follow-up on them.

On the whole an entertaining book that makes me want to read the next one as well.
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